The Deskless

Operations Platform

Take your deskless operations to the next level

One solution to intelligently manage your deskless operations while delivering a top-notch experience for your workforce, operations leaders, business owners, and customers.

Introducing The Deskless Operations Platform

2 person hours a day is spent by deskless leaders on manual operations monitoring of Asset conditions, service delivery, compliance and workforce attendance. Currently, they use ineffective methods such as manual data entry methods or location-aware mobile apps.

Stratosfy’s deskless operations platform improves the efficiency of operations leaders by reducing cycles spent in continuous monitoring of deskless operations.

Save time and money through real-time visibility

Instantly Identify and Respond to incidents

Accuracy in reporting

Operational Transparency to your customers

Stratosfy deskless operations Platform Components

Why Choose our platform?

Everything you need to build and manage deskless operations into your business operations 

Robust device family

Robust device family

Device family built out of rigorous R&D and tightly integrated with the platform to ensure they empower your business objectives.

Containerized Microservices

Containerized Microservices

Functionalities built into microservices and packaged into containers making the platform scalable to suit your business needs

Secure business data access

Secure business data access

All your business data is stored in the most secured and highly resilient manner. Access to your data is controlled according to the user’s role in your business.

Actionable alerts and incidents

Actionable alerts and incidents

Provide instant visibility into core business activities and exceptions through alerts (SMS/Email/Push notifications) and incidents.

Business intelligence reports

Business intelligence reports

Provide the most accurate reports with the right amalgamation of data generated through devices and users

Multi-business support

Multi-business support

Whether you run a single business or multiple businesses, the platform can aggregate the intelligence for you